Monday, June 29, 2009


Addiction is one thing that needs to be addressed sooner than later. And especially an addiction to oxycodone! This is a narcotic analgesic which can be used as an anti-cough medication as well as for pain relief associated with injuries, bursitis, dislocation, fractures, neuralgia, arthritis and lower back pain problems. Oxycodone is also normally used during childbirth for pain relief to the mother and even postoperatively. This is more commonly known to us as Oxycontin. Over the past decade there has been an alarming increase in oxycodone addictions, registering as much as 300% raise in USA alone.

Most people addicted to opiate favor oxycodone as it can be consumed orally. The addiction is such that people even get phony prescriptions or steal hydrocodone from pharmacies. Oxycodone in prescribed dosage gives the patient pain relief, euphoria and prevention of withdrawal symptoms.

This situation is difficult to handle as continuous use of oxycodone stimulates the opiate receptors in the brain and the patient might have a mental as well as physical breakdown. It decreases the rate of breathing while the person using it might mistake this for relaxation. This could in fact be quite fatal. Also with repeated use of the drug, one tends to become tolerant to it and then requires higher doses of the pill for the same effect. This is where addiction can take an ugly turn. Overdose of oxycodone could even lead to seizures or coma.

Traditionally doctors used to treat the patients from the psychological side of addiction as well as its symptoms. This method has however failed to show good results. Accelerated Neuro Regulation (ANR) is a relatively newer method to deal with oxycodone withdrawal and this approach treats the patient as if he was suffering from a disease. This method has been fairly more successful.

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